Park Updates & Activities

2024 Member Updates

Upcoming Events


Community Garage Sale - Saturday, July 13th

Halloween in July - Saturday, July 20th @ 7PM - Decorate the entrance of your lot for Halloween so kids know to collect treats. Prizes for best costume and fanciest lot!

Golf Tournament - Saturday, July 20th


August Long Weekend Volleyball Tournament - Saturday, August 3rd - Cancelled due to lack of volunteers

August Long Weekend Horseshoe Tournament and Community BBQ - Sunday, August 4th

Kids Fun Day - Saturday, August 10th

Kids Carnival - Saturday, August 24th @ 10AM on the beach

Chilli Cook Off - Saturday, August 24th @ 5PM at the gazebo

Night Light Parade - Saturday, August 31st @ 9PM - Decorate yourselves, golf carts and quads in lights and glow sticks and meet at the gazebo. Spectators can sit at their driveway to watch the light show go by similar to our Canada Day parade.


Horseshoe Tournament - Sunday, September 1st @ 12pm Everyone Welcome!!!

Community BBQ at gazebo - Sunday, September 1st 1pm-3pm (Cash only)


The Development Committee will be reviewing development permits for the August Permit Review day on August 24th, 2024.  We will require all permits to be in to by August 14th.  Permits received after the deadline will be reviewed on the next permit review date in May 2025. As in the past, in order for the Development Committee to consider a permit the member must be present.  If you are not able to make it to the lake for permit day the next day to review your lot will be May 2025.   The Lot Development Regulations have been attached to this email for you to review before completing your development permit.  All permits must be completed in full, with all details, measurements and drawings and lots must be clearly marked in order to be reviewed.

The committee will begin looking at permits on Saturday, August 24th starting at approximately 9:30 a.m. and we will work our way through the park until all permits are completed.  Please note: the permits will only be reviewed on Saturday, this is not a weekend project.

As well, the Development Committee is always looking for volunteers to join our team.  Please let us know, by email, if you are interested in being a part of our committee.  


It has come to the boards' attention that many people are hanging bird feeders and these were BANNED last year due to the bears.  The cinnamon bear was causing quite the mess around the park knocking down bird feeders and emptying bins.  Please do not put out ANY bird feeders and remove the ones you may have.  We do not want the bears finding any source of food in the park.  This includes leaving out dog food and bones for your pets.

Please empty your outdoor garbages at night or store them in a shed!  Dispose of your garbage in the two large bear proof bins that are located on your right before entering the park.  DO NOT put any food down the outhouses or in the blue bins scattered throughout the park. 

We have been working with Tyler and Jed with Fish and Wildlife to get a trap placed out there to relocate the bears but if they find we are not doing our due diligence this will not happen.  Unfortunately they only have two traps for northern Alberta so the situation must meet strict criteria now in order to get one.  Please everyone do your part.  Be aware the bears are in the park and kids should not be sent to the playground alone.  Carry an air horn at all times when you are out walking.  Stay Safe!!!


As we mentioned at the AGM we still require ONE members to step forward to join the board.  Please email the board as soon as possible if you are interested!  

Board email: or use the button on the bottom of this page. Thank you to anyone who steps forward for any of these positions.   


Bookings for rental lots are being accepted for the 2024 season. As per the recent AGM, it was voted on by all members that rental lots will increase from $40 per night to $50 per night and all reservations are now non-refundable. To make a reservation please email your date and lot request to Shelly at Emails and reservations are actioned in the order they are received and availability is on a first come first serve basis. This increase will apply to all reservations for 2024 season even if booked prior to the AGM vote.